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Customer Service Outsourcing Companies – How to Make Sure They Provide Excellent Customer Service

Excellent customer service can help boost business, promote loyal patronage, enhance customers’ morale and ultimately affect your bottom line positively. These days, hiring customer service outsourcing companies has become an in-thing among businesses and companies. This is because customer service outsourcing has proven to be an effective way of achieving all these benefits.

However, you must ensure that an outsourcing provider who specializes on customer service will help you realize the benefits and goals mentioned earlier. How? Keep reading to find out.

Tip #1: Contract a Service Provider with Excellent Communication Skills

During the selection process, find out how prospects will handle a range of customer service issues by painting a couple of real-life scenarios and asking them to respond to the situation. For instance, you can ask them to describe how they will handle a raging customer who called to report a defective product or lost/delayed order. Their response to such practical situations will give you idea of what to expect from their customer service.

Essentially, you should focus on hiring providers who possess interpersonal or relational traits such as calmness, compassion, as well as understanding traits. Also, they should be able to work under pressure without being offensive because some customers will push them to the limit.

Tip #2: Check If the Provider Operates with the Best Customer Service Practices

Also, to ensure you get the best from customer service outsourcing companies, find out the operational practice, policies as well as skills of the prospects. Do they constantly embark on professional development programs that gear towards customer service best practices?

In addition to training their customer service staff constantly, you should also find out if the outsourcing provider has a well-furnished call center outfit. Having the right gadgets for the task will help promote the expected outcome.

Tip #3: Set Up a Customer Feedback System

Don’t leave your customer service agents all to themselves. You should find out your customers’ experience with the outsourced service provider by putting a feedback system in place. Some of the features of the feedback system to consider include online portals for data collection, and survey.

And, consider offering incentives to further motivate your outsourced customer service provider with track record of quality and excellent customer service based on the customer feedback you collated. The incentives could be in form of a slight or substantial increase in terms of their fees. It could also be in form of providing five stars reviews on their website or other web platforms such as Facebook Page or Twitter account. These can go a long way in motivating them to do more.

Indeed, you will boost customer base, enhance loyal patronage, and ultimately enhance the growth of your business by leveraging excellent customer service outsourcing companies.

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! Inspires entrepreneurs build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams.

4 Responses to “Customer Service Outsourcing Companies – How to Make Sure They Provide Excellent Customer Service”

  1. Vjay Lad says:

    Great article.

  2. Simon Orme says:

    A great post that illustrates the relevance of customer service. Businesses should be built around delivering amazing customer service that constantly delights the customers.

  3. Vivek Nath says:

    Great post! Helps explain the how and why customer service reps go extra mile in providing excellent service to customers in an organization. Thanks Daven Michaels!!!

  4. Kudos! It’s very informative and easy to understand. Indeed, customer satisfaction is a great plus in a company, better than any marketing strategies. Thanks for sharing.

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